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Tout ce qui a été posté par Kas

  1. Bonjour, Je ne suis pas futé en javascript, et une petite aide ne serait pas de refus. Alors voilà : un système de level existe sur mon serveur agario, je souhaiterai qu'il soit afficher devant le pseudo d'un joueur, par exemple: [LVL10]Kas A savoir, que lorsqu'un joueur est gradé, on peut y voir afficher [ADMIN] ou encore [MODER] (src\packet\ChatMessage.js) function ChatMessage(sender, message) { this.sender = sender; this.message = message; } module.exports = ChatMessage; = function (protocol) { var text = this.message; if (text == null) text = ""; var name = "SERVER"; var color = { 'r': 0x9B, 'g': 0x9B, 'b': 0x9B }; if (this.sender != null) { name = this.sender._name; if (name == null || name.length == 0) { if (this.sender.cells.length > 0) name = "An unnamed cell"; else name = "Spectator"; } if (this.sender.cells.length > 0) { color = this.sender.cells[0].color; } } var UserRoleEnum = require("../enum/UserRoleEnum"); var BinaryWriter = require("./BinaryWriter"); var writer = new BinaryWriter(); writer.writeUInt8(0x63); // message id (decimal 99) // flags var flags = 0; if (this.sender == null) flags = 0x80; // server message else if (this.sender.userRole == UserRoleEnum.ADMIN) flags = 0x40; // admin message else if (this.sender.userRole == UserRoleEnum.MODER) flags = 0x20; // moder message writer.writeUInt8(flags); writer.writeUInt8(color.r >> 0); writer.writeUInt8(color.g >> 0); writer.writeUInt8(color.b >> 0); if (protocol < 6) { writer.writeStringZeroUnicode(name); writer.writeStringZeroUnicode(text); } else { writer.writeStringZeroUtf8(name); writer.writeStringZeroUtf8(text); } return writer.toBuffer(); }; et lorsque je suis connecté grâce à la commande '/account status', il est affiché le niveau actuel du joueur sur 'src\modules\PlayerCommand.js' (account:) var Logger = require('./Logger'); var UserRoleEnum = require("../enum/UserRoleEnum"); function PlayerCommand(gameServer, playerTracker) { this.gameServer = gameServer; this.playerTracker = playerTracker; this.roleList = []; this.SCInterval; } module.exports = PlayerCommand; PlayerCommand.prototype.writeLine = function (text) { this.gameServer.sendChatMessage(null, this.playerTracker, text); }; PlayerCommand.prototype.skinchanger = function () { var self = this; this.SCInterval = setInterval(function() { var rSkin = self.playerTracker.socket.packetHandler.getRandomSkin(); self.playerTracker.setSkin(rSkin); for (var i in self.playerTracker.cells) { var cell = self.playerTracker.cells[i]; var Player = require('../entity/PlayerCell'); var newCell = new Player(self.gameServer, self.playerTracker, cell.position, cell._size); self.gameServer.removeNode(cell); self.gameServer.addNode(newCell); } }, 10000) // Every 10 seconds } PlayerCommand.prototype.executeCommandLine = function(commandLine) { if (!commandLine) return; if (!this.parsePluginCommands(commandLine)) return; // Splits the string var args = commandLine.split(" "); // Process the first string value var first = args[0].toLowerCase(); // Get command function var execute = playerCommands[first]; if (typeof execute != 'undefined') { execute.bind(this)(args); } else { this.writeLine("ERROR: Unknown command, type /help for command list"); } }; PlayerCommand.prototype.parsePluginCommands = function(str) { // Splits the string var args = str.split(" "); // Process the first string value var first = args[0].toLowerCase(); // Get command function var execute = this.gameServer.PluginHandler.playerCommands[first]; if (typeof execute != 'undefined') { execute(this, args, this.playerTracker, this.gameServer); return false; } else return true; } PlayerCommand.prototype.userLogin = function (username, password) { if (!username || !password) return null; for (var i = 0; i < this.gameServer.userList.length; i++) { var user = this.gameServer.userList[i]; if (user.username != username) continue; if (user.password != password) continue; return user; } return null; }; PlayerCommand.prototype.createAccount = function (username, password) { var fs = require('fs'); if (!username || !password) return null; for (var i in this.gameServer.userList) { var user = this.gameServer.userList[i]; if (user.username == username) { this.writeLine("That User Name is already taken!"); return false; } } var user = {username: username, password: password, role: 1, name: "Local User", level: 0, exp: 0}; this.gameServer.userList.push(user); json = JSON.stringify(this.gameServer.userList); var file = '../src/enum/UserRoles.json'; fs.writeFileSync(file, json, 'utf-8'); this.gameServer.loadFiles(); return true; }; var playerCommands = { help: function (args) { var page = parseInt(args[1]); if (this.playerTracker.userRole == UserRoleEnum.ADMIN || this.playerTracker.userRole == UserRoleEnum.MODER) { if (isNaN(page)) { this.writeLine("Please Enter a Page Number!"); return; } if (page == 1) { // 10 Fit per Page this.writeLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); this.writeLine("/skin %shark - change skin"); this.writeLine("/kill - self kill"); this.writeLine("/help [page #] - this command list"); this.writeLine("/id - Gets your playerID"); this.writeLine("/mass - gives mass to yourself or to other players"); this.writeLine("/merge - Instantly Recombines all of your cells or other players cells"); this.writeLine("/rec - Toggles rec mode for you or for other players - MUST BE ADMIN"); this.writeLine("/spawnmass - gives yourself or other players spawnmass - MUST BE ADMIN"); this.writeLine("/minion - gives yourself or other players minions"); this.writeLine("/minion remove - removes all of your minions or other players minions"); this.writeLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); this.writeLine("Showing Page 1 of 3."); } else if (page == 2) { this.writeLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); this.writeLine("/userrole - Allows you to give User Role to a player ID - MUST BE ADMIN"); this.writeLine("/userrole list - Lists all the people you have given a Role - MUST BE ADMIN"); this.writeLine("/kick - Kicks a Player ID to make them lose their Temporarily Role"); this.writeLine("/addbot - Adds Bots to the Server - MUST BE ADMIN"); this.writeLine("/change - Allows you to Temporarily change the config of the Server! - MUST BE ADMIN"); this.writeLine("/reloadconfig - Reloads the config of the Server to the gameServer.ini file - MUST BE ADMIN"); this.writeLine("/shutdown - SHUTDOWNS THE SERVER - MUST BE ADMIN"); this.writeLine("/restart - RESTARTS THE SERVER - MUST BE ADMIN"); this.writeLine("/status - Shows Status of the Server"); this.writeLine("/gamemode - Allows you to change the Game Mode of the Server. - MUST BE ADMIN"); this.writeLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); this.writeLine("Showing Page 2 of 3."); } else if (page == 3) { this.writeLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); this.writeLine("/popsplit - Gives you the ability to do perfect popsplits (within reason)"); this.writeLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); } } else { this.writeLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); this.writeLine("/skin %shark - change skin"); this.writeLine("/kill - self kill"); this.writeLine("/help - this command list"); this.writeLine("/id - Gets your playerID"); this.writeLine("/account - Allows you to manage your account"); this.writeLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); } }, id: function (args) { this.writeLine("Your PlayerID is " + this.playerTracker.pID); }, skin: function (args) { var skinName = ""; if (args[1]) skinName = args[1]; if (skinName == "") { this.playerTracker.setSkin(skinName); this.writeLine("Your skin was removed"); } else if (skinName == "c" || skinName == "changer") { this.playerTracker.skinchanger = !this.playerTracker.skinchanger; if (this.playerTracker.skinchanger) { this.writeLine("You now have a skin changer!"); this.skinchanger(); } else { this.writeLine("You no longer have a skin changer"); clearInterval(this.SCInterval); } } else { this.playerTracker.setSkin(skinName); for (var i in this.playerTracker.cells) { var cell = this.playerTracker.cells[i]; var Player = require('../entity/PlayerCell'); var newCell = new Player(this.gameServer, this.playerTracker, cell.position, cell._size); this.gameServer.removeNode(cell); this.gameServer.addNode(newCell); } this.writeLine("Your skin set to " + skinName); } }, account: function (args) { var whattodo = args[1]; if (args[1] == null) { this.writeLine("Do /account stats or /account status to get your account level and spawnmass! - MUST BE LOGIN IN FIRST!"); this.writeLine("Do /account create [username] [password] to create a account! - MUST NOT BE LOGINED IN!"); return; } if (args[1] == "create" && this.playerTracker.userRole == UserRoleEnum.GUEST) { // Creating an account try { var username = args[2].trim(); } catch (error) { this.writeLine("ERROR: Missing Username Argument!"); return; } try { var password = args[3].trim(); } catch (error) { this.writeLine("ERROR: Missing Password Argument!"); return; } var test = this.createAccount(username, password); if (test) { this.writeLine("Successfully Created your Account!"); this.writeLine("Do /login [User Name] [Password] to login in!"); } } else if (args[1] == "status" || args[1] == "stats" && this.playerTracker.userRole != UserRoleEnum.GUEST) { this.writeLine("Level: " + this.playerTracker.level); this.writeLine("Exp: " + parseInt(this.playerTracker.exp).toFixed()) var exp_to_next_level; if (this.playerTracker.levelexps[this.playerTracker.level + 1] - this.playerTracker.exp < 0 && this.playerTracker.level < 99) { exp_to_next_level = "You can level up. Just respawn!"; } else if (this.playerTracker.level > 100) { exp_to_next_level = "You have achieved the highest level"; } else if (this.playerTracker.level == 100) { exp_to_next_level = "You only have one level left!"; } else { exp_to_next_level = (parseInt(this.playerTracker.levelexps[this.playerTracker.level + 1] - this.playerTracker.exp)).toFixed() } this.writeLine("Exp to next level: " + exp_to_next_level); } }, kill: function (args) { if (!this.playerTracker.cells.length) { this.writeLine("You cannot kill yourself, because you're still not joined to the game!"); return; } while (this.playerTracker.cells.length) { var cell = this.playerTracker.cells[0]; this.gameServer.removeNode(cell); // replace with food var food = require('../entity/Food'); food = new food(this.gameServer, null, cell.position, cell._size); food.setColor(cell.color); this.gameServer.addNode(food); } this.writeLine("You killed yourself"); }, mass: function (args) { if (this.playerTracker.userRole != UserRoleEnum.ADMIN && this.playerTracker.userRole != UserRoleEnum.MODER) { this.writeLine("ERROR: access denied!"); return; } var mass = parseInt(args[1]); var id = args[2]; var size = Math.sqrt(mass * 100); if (isNaN(mass)) { this.writeLine("ERROR: missing mass argument!"); return; } if (id == null) { this.writeLine("Warn: missing ID arguments. This will change your mass."); for (var i in this.playerTracker.cells) { this.playerTracker.cells[i].setSize(size); } this.writeLine("Set mass of " + this.playerTracker._name + " to " + size * size / 100); } else { for (var i in this.gameServer.clients) { var client = this.gameServer.clients[i].playerTracker; if (client.accountusername == id || client.pID.toString() == id) { for (var j in client.cells) { client.cells[j].setSize(size); } this.writeLine("Set mass of " + client._name + " to " + size * size / 100); var text = this.playerTracker._name + " changed your mass to " + size * size / 100; this.gameServer.sendChatMessage(null, client, text); } } } }, spawnmass: function (args) { if (this.playerTracker.userRole != UserRoleEnum.ADMIN) { this.writeLine("ERROR: access denied!"); return; } var mass = parseInt(args[1]); var id = args[2]; var size = Math.sqrt(mass * 100); if (isNaN(mass)) { this.writeLine("ERROR: missing mass argument!"); return; } if (id == null) { this.playerTracker.spawnmass = size; this.writeLine("Warn: missing ID arguments. This will change your spawnmass."); this.writeLine("Set spawnmass of " + this.playerTracker._name + " to " + size * size / 100); } else { for (var i in this.gameServer.clients) { var client = this.gameServer.clients[i].playerTracker; if (client.accountusername == id || client.pID.toString() == id) { client.spawnmass = size; this.writeLine("Set spawnmass of " + client._name + " to " + size * size / 100); var text = this.playerTracker._name + " changed your spawn mass to " + size * size / 100; this.gameServer.sendChatMessage(null, client, text); } } } }, minion: function(args) { if (this.playerTracker.userRole != UserRoleEnum.ADMIN && this.playerTracker.userRole != UserRoleEnum.MODER) { this.writeLine("ERROR: access denied!"); return; } var add = args[1]; var id = args[2]; var player = this.playerTracker; /** For you **/ if (id == null) { this.writeLine("Warn: missing ID arguments. This will give you minions."); // Remove minions if (player.minionControl == true && add == "remove") { player.minionControl = false; player.miQ = 0; this.writeLine("Succesfully removed minions for " + player._name); // Add minions } else { player.minionControl = true; // Add minions for self if (isNaN(parseInt(add))) add = 1; for (var i = 0; i < add; i++) { this.gameServer.bots.addMinion(player); } this.writeLine("Added " + add + " minions for " + player._name); } } else { /** For others **/ for (var i in this.gameServer.clients) { var client = this.gameServer.clients[i].playerTracker; if (client.accountusername == id || client.pID.toString() == id) { // Remove minions if (client.minionControl == true) { client.minionControl = false; client.miQ = 0; this.writeLine("Succesfully removed minions for " + client._name); var text = this.playerTracker._name + " removed all off your minions."; this.gameServer.sendChatMessage(null, client, text); // Add minions } else { client.minionControl = true; // Add minions for client if (isNaN(add)) add = 1; for (var i = 0; i < add; i++) { this.gameServer.bots.addMinion(client); } this.writeLine("Added " + add + " minions for " + client._name); var text = this.playerTracker._name + " gave you " + add + " minions."; this.gameServer.sendChatMessage(null, client, text); } } } } }, userrole: function(args) { // Temporarily changes the User Role of a player until that player leaves the server. if (this.playerTracker.userRole != UserRoleEnum.ADMIN) { this.writeLine("ERROR: access denied"); return; } var id = args[1]; var role = args[2]; if (id == null) { this.writeLine("Please specify a valid player ID or User Name!"); return; } else if (id == "list") { if (!this.roleList.length) { this.writeLine("You have not given anyone a Role!"); return; } this.writeLine(" ID | SCORE | NICK"); for (var i in this.roleList) { var client = this.roleList[i]; var id = client.accountusername; var nick = client._name; var score = Math.round(client._score); this.writeLine(id + " " + score + " " + nick); } return; } else { if (role != "moder" && role != "user" && role != "guest" || role == null) { this.writeLine("Please specify a valid Role!"); return; } if (this.playerTracker.pID.toString() == id || this.playerTracker.accountusername == id) { this.writeLine("You cannot change your own Role!"); return; } for (var i in this.gameServer.clients) { var client = this.gameServer.clients[i].playerTracker; if (client.pID.toString() == id || client.accountusername == id) { if (client.userRole == UserRoleEnum.ADMIN) { this.writeLine("You cannot change Admins Roles!"); return; } if (role == "moder") { client.userRole = UserRoleEnum.MODER; this.writeLine("Successfully changed " + client._name + "'s Role to Moder"); this.gameServer.sendChatMessage(null, client, "You have been temporarily changed to MODER."); // notify this.roleList.push(client); } else if (role == "user") { client.userRole = UserRoleEnum.USER; this.writeLine("Successfully changed " + client._name + "'s Role to User!"); this.gameServer.sendChatMessage(null, client, "You have been temporarily changed to USER."); // notify this.roleList.push(client); } else { client.userRole = UserRoleEnum.GUEST; this.writeLine("Successfully changed " + client._name + "'s Role to Guest!"); this.gameServer.sendChatMessage(null, client, "You have been temporarily changed to GUEST."); // notify this.roleList.push(client); } } } } }, kick: function(args) { var id = args[1]; if (this.playerTracker.userRole != UserRoleEnum.ADMIN && this.playerTracker.userRole != UserRoleEnum.MODER) { this.writeLine("ERROR: acces denied!"); return; } if (id == null) { this.writeLine("Please specify a valid player ID or User Name!"); return; } // kick player var count = 0; this.gameServer.clients.forEach(function (socket) { if (socket.isConnected === false) return; if (id !== 0 && socket.playerTracker.pID.toString() != id && socket.playerTracker.accountusername != id) return; if (socket.playerTracker.userRole == UserRoleEnum.ADMIN) { this.writeLine("You cannot kick a ADMIN in game!"); return; } // remove player cells for (var j = 0; j < socket.playerTracker.cells.length; j++) { this.gameServer.removeNode(socket.playerTracker.cells[0]); count++; } // disconnect socket.close(1000, "Kicked from server"); var name = socket.playerTracker._name; this.writeLine("Successfully kicked " + name); count++; }, this); if (count) return; if (!id) this.writeLine("Warn: No players to kick!"); else this.writeLine("Warn: Player with ID " + id + " not found!"); }, addbot: function(args) { var add = parseInt(args[1]); if (isNaN(add)) add = 1; if (this.playerTracker.userRole != UserRoleEnum.ADMIN) { this.writeLine("ERROR: access denied!"); return; } for (var i = 0; i < add; i++) { this.gameServer.bots.addBot(); } Logger.warn(this.playerTracker.socket.remoteAddress + " ADDED " + add + " BOTS"); this.writeLine("Added " + add + " Bots"); }, status: function(args) { if (this.playerTracker.userRole != UserRoleEnum.ADMIN && this.playerTracker.userRole != UserRoleEnum.MODER) { this.writeLine("ERROR: access denied!"); return; } // Get amount of humans/bots var humans = 0, bots = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.gameServer.clients.length; i++) { if ('_socket' in this.gameServer.clients[i]) { humans++; } else { bots++; } } var ini = require('./ini.js'); this.writeLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); this.writeLine("Connected players: " + this.gameServer.clients.length + "/" + this.gameServer.config.serverMaxConnections); this.writeLine("Players: " + humans + " - Bots: " + bots); this.writeLine("Server has been running for " + Math.floor(process.uptime() / 60) + " minutes"); this.writeLine("Current memory usage: " + Math.round(process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / 1048576 * 10) / 10 + "/" + Math.round(process.memoryUsage().heapTotal / 1048576 * 10) / 10 + " mb"); this.writeLine("Current game mode: " +; this.writeLine("Current update time: " + this.gameServer.updateTimeAvg.toFixed(3) + " [ms] (" + ini.getLagMessage(this.gameServer.updateTimeAvg) + ")"); this.writeLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); }, merge: function(args) { // Validation checks if (this.playerTracker.userRole != UserRoleEnum.ADMIN && this.playerTracker.userRole != UserRoleEnum.MODER) { this.writeLine("ERROR: access denied!"); return; } var id = args[1]; if (id == null) { this.writeLine("Warn: Missing ID arguments. This will merge you."); if (this.playerTracker.cells.length == 1) { this.writeLine("You already have one cell!"); return; } this.playerTracker.mergeOverride = !this.playerTracker.mergeOverride; if (this.playerTracker.mergeOverride) this.writeLine(this.playerTracker._name + " is now force mergeing"); else this.writeLine(this.playerTracker._name + " isn't force merging anymore"); } else { // Find client with same ID as player entered for (var i = 0; i < this.gameServer.clients.length; i++) { if (id == this.gameServer.clients[i].playerTracker.pID.toString() || id == this.gameServer.clients[i].playerTracker.accountusername) { var client = this.gameServer.clients[i].playerTracker; if (client.cells.length == 1) { this.writeLine("Client already has one cell!"); return; } // Set client's merge override client.mergeOverride = !client.mergeOverride; if (client.mergeOverride) { this.writeLine(client._name + " is now force merging"); var text = this.playerTracker._name + " Caused you to merge!"; this.gameServer.sendChatMessage(null, client, text); // notify } else { this.writeLine(client._name + " isn't force merging anymore"); var text = this.playerTracker._name + " Stopped your mergeing" this.gameServer.sendChatMessage(null, client, text); // notify } } } } }, gamemode: function (args) { if (this.playerTracker.userRole != UserRoleEnum.ADMIN) { this.writeLine("ERROR: access denied!"); return; } var mode = parseInt(args[1]); if (isNaN(mode)) { this.writeLine("Invalid Game Mode Selected!"); return; } if (mode > 8 || mode < 0) { this.writeLine("Invalid Game Mode Selected!"); return; } var GameMode = require('../Gamemodes'); var Command = require('./CommandList'); var gamemode = GameMode.get(mode); // Reset this.gameServer.gameMode.packetLB = gamemode.packetLB; this.gameServer.gameMode.updateLB = gamemode.updateLB; Command.list.reset(this.gameServer, args); this.gameServer.loadFiles(); // Load Config In case Previous Gamemodes changed them this.gameServer.gameMode = gamemode; gamemode.onServerInit(this.gameServer); Command.list.reset(this.gameServer, args); // Just in Case this.writeLine("Successfully Changed Game Mode to: " +; Logger.warn("GAMEMODE CHANGE FROM " + this.playerTracker.socket.remoteAddress + ":" + this.playerTracker.socket.remotePort + " AS " + this.playerTracker.socket.userAuth); for (var i in this.gameServer.clients) { var client = this.gameServer.clients[i].playerTracker; var text = this.playerTracker._name + " Changed to Game Mode to: " +; this.gameServer.sendChatMessage(null, client, text); } }, rec: function(args) { if (this.playerTracker.userRole != UserRoleEnum.ADMIN) { this.writeLine("ERROR: access denied!"); return; } var id = args[1]; if (id == null) { this.writeLine("Warn: Missing ID arguments. This will give you rec mode."); this.playerTracker.rec = !this.playerTracker.rec; if (this.playerTracker.rec) this.writeLine(this.playerTracker._name + " is now in rec mode!"); else this.writeLine(this.playerTracker._name + " is no longer in rec mode"); } // set rec for client for (var i in this.gameServer.clients) { var client = this.gameServer.clients[i].PlayerTracker; if (client.pID.toString() == id || client.accountusername == id) { var client = this.gameServer.clients[i].playerTracker; client.rec = !client.rec; if (client.rec) { this.writeLine(client._name + " is now in rec mode!"); var text = this.playerTracker._name + " gave you rec mode!"; this.gameServer.sendChatMessage(null, client, text); // notify } else { this.writeLine(client._name + " is no longer in rec mode"); var text = this.playerTracker._name + " Removed your rec mode"; this.gameServer.sendChatMessage(null, client, text); // notify } } } }, popsplit: function (args) { if (this.playerTracker.userRole != UserRoleEnum.ADMIN) { this.writeLine("ERROR: access denied!"); return; } var id = args[1]; if (id == null) { this.writeLine("Warn: Missing ID arguments. This will give you popsplit mode."); this.playerTracker.perfectpopsplit = !this.playerTracker.perfectpopsplit; if (this.playerTracker.perfectpopsplit) this.writeLine(this.playerTracker._name + " is now in popsplit mode!"); else this.writeLine(this.playerTracker._name + " is no longer in popsplit mode"); } // set popsplit for client for (var i in this.gameServer.clients) { var client = this.gameServer.clients[i].playerTracker; if (client.pID.toString() == id || client.accountusername == id) { client.popsplit = !client.popsplit; if (client.popsplit) { this.writeLine(client._name + " is now in popsplit mode!"); var text = this.playerTracker._name + " gave you the ability to do perfect popsplits!"; this.gameServer.sendChatMessage(null, client, text); // notify } else { this.writeLine(client._name + " is no longer in popsplit mode"); var text = this.playerTracker._name + " Removed your ability to do perfect popsplits!"; this.gameServer.sendChatMessage(null, client, text); // notify } } } }, change: function(args) { if (this.playerTracker.userRole != UserRoleEnum.ADMIN) { this.writeLine("ERROR: access denied!"); return; } if (args.length < 3) { this.writeLine("Invalid command arguments"); return; } var key = args[1]; var value = args[2]; // Check if int/float if (value.indexOf('.') != -1) { value = parseFloat(value); } else { value = parseInt(value); } if (value == null || isNaN(value)) { this.writeLine("Invalid value: " + value); return; } if (!this.gameServer.config.hasOwnProperty(key)) { this.writeLine("Unknown config value: " + key); return; } this.gameServer.config[key] = value; // update/validate this.gameServer.config.playerMinSize = Math.max(32, this.gameServer.config.playerMinSize); Logger.setVerbosity(this.gameServer.config.logVerbosity); Logger.setFileVerbosity(this.gameServer.config.logFileVerbosity); this.writeLine("Set " + key + " = " + this.gameServer.config[key]); Logger.warn("CONFIGURATION CHANGE REQUEST FROM " + this.playerTracker.socket.remoteAddress + " as " + this.playerTracker.userAuth); + " WAS CHANGED TO " + value); }, reloadconfig: function(args) { if (this.playerTracker.userRole != UserRoleEnum.ADMIN) { this.writeLine("ERROR: access denied!"); return; } this.gameServer.loadFiles(); Logger.warn("CONFIGURATION RELOAD REQUEST FROM " + this.playerTracker.socket.remoteAddress + " as " + this.playerTracker.userAuth); this.writeLine("Configuration was Successfully Reloaded!"); }, login: function (args) { try { var username = args[1].trim(); } catch (error) { this.writeLine("ERROR: you have to type in a username!"); return; } try { var password = args[2].trim(); } catch (error) { this.writeLine("ERROR: You have to type in a password!"); return; } var user = this.userLogin(username, password); if (!user) { this.writeLine("ERROR: login failed!"); return; } var PlayerTracker = require("../PlayerTracker"); var Packet = require("../packet"); PlayerTracker.prototype.joinGame = function(name, skin) { for (var i in this.levelexps) { if (this.levelexps[i + 1] < this.level) continue; if (this.exp > this.levelexps[i] && this.level < 101) { this.level++; this.exp = this.exp - this.levelexps[i]; this.onLevel(); } } if (this.cells.length) return; if (skin) this.setSkin(skin); if (!name) name = "An unnamed cell"; // 4 = Admin 2 = Mod if (this.userRole == UserRoleEnum.ADMIN) name = name + "ᴬᴰᴹᴵᴺ"; else if (this.userRole == UserRoleEnum.MODER) name = name + "ᴹᴼᴰᴱᴿ"; // Perform check to see if someone that isn't admin has a check if (this.userRole != UserRoleEnum.ADMIN && this.userRole != UserRoleEnum.MODER) { for (var i in name) { name = name.replace('ᴬᴰᴹᴵᴺ', ''); name = name.replace('ᴹᴼᴰᴱᴿ', ''); } } this.setName(name); this.spectate = false; this.freeRoam = false; this.spectateTarget = null; var packetHandler = this.socket.packetHandler; if (!this.isMi && this.socket.isConnected != null) { // some old clients don't understand ClearAll message // so we will send update for them if (packetHandler.protocol < 6) { packetHandler.sendPacket(new Packet.UpdateNodes(this, [], [], [], this.clientNodes)); } packetHandler.sendPacket(new Packet.ClearAll()); this.clientNodes = []; this.scramble(); if (this.gameServer.config.serverScrambleLevel < 2) { // no scramble / lightweight scramble packetHandler.sendPacket(new Packet.SetBorder(this, this.gameServer.border)); } else if (this.gameServer.config.serverScrambleLevel == 3) { var ran = 10065536 * Math.random(); // Ruins most known minimaps (no border) var border = { minx: this.gameServer.border.minx - ran, miny: this.gameServer.border.miny - ran, maxx: this.gameServer.border.maxx + ran, maxy: this.gameServer.border.maxy + ran }; packetHandler.sendPacket(new Packet.SetBorder(this, border)); } } this.gameServer.gameMode.onPlayerSpawn(this.gameServer, this); }; PlayerTracker.prototype.checkConnection = function() { // Handle disconnection if (!this.socket.isConnected) { // Wait for playerDisconnectTime var pt = this.gameServer.config.playerDisconnectTime; var dt = (this.gameServer.stepDateTime - this.socket.closeTime) / 1e3; if (pt && (!this.cells.length || dt >= pt)) { // Remove all client cells while (this.cells.length) this.gameServer.removeNode(this.cells[0]); } this.cells = []; this.isRemoved = true; this.mouse = null; this.socket.packetHandler.pressSpace = false; this.socket.packetHandler.pressQ = false; this.socket.packetHandler.pressW = false; return; } // Check timeout if (!this.isCloseRequested && this.gameServer.config.serverTimeout) { dt = (this.gameServer.stepDateTime - this.socket.lastAliveTime) / 1000; if (dt >= this.gameServer.config.serverTimeout) { this.socket.close(1000, "Connection timeout"); this.isCloseRequested = true; } } }; + " Logined in as " + + " from " + this.playerTracker.socket.remoteAddress + ":" + this.playerTracker.socket.remotePort); this.playerTracker.userRole = user.role; this.playerTracker.userAuth =; this.playerTracker.accountusername = user.username; this.playerTracker.accountpassword = user.password; this.playerTracker.level = user.level; this.playerTracker.exp = user.exp; this.playerTracker.spawnmass = (this.gameServer.config.playerStartSize + (2 * (Math.sqrt(user.level * 100))) < 500) ? this.gameServer.config.playerStartSize + (2 * (Math.sqrt(user.level * 100))) : 500; // 2500 Spawnmass is wayy too much this.writeLine("Login done as \"" + user.username + "\""); return; }, logout: function (args) { if (this.playerTracker.userRole == UserRoleEnum.GUEST) { this.writeLine("ERROR: not logged in"); return; } var username = this.playerTracker.username; + " Logged out from " + this.playerTracker.socket.remoteAddress + ":" + this.playerTracker.socket.remotePort); this.playerTracker.userRole = UserRoleEnum.GUEST; this.playerTracker.userAuth = null; this.writeLine("Logout done"); }, shutdown: function (args) { if (this.playerTracker.userRole != UserRoleEnum.ADMIN) { this.writeLine("ERROR: access denied!"); return; } Logger.warn("SHUTDOWN REQUEST FROM " + this.playerTracker.socket.remoteAddress + " as " + this.playerTracker.userAuth); process.exit(0); }, restart: function (args) { if (this.playerTracker.userRole != UserRoleEnum.ADMIN) { this.writeLine("ERROR: acces denied!"); return; } Logger.warn("RESTART REQUEST FROM " + this.playerTracker.socket.remoteAddress + " as " + this.playerTracker.userAuth); process.exit(3); } }; Merci pour votre aide
  2. Kas

    Bios emulator, problème

    je te remercie bcp
  3. Kas

    Bios emulator, problème
  4. Bonjour, un petit problème se passe lorsque je démarre l'émulateur après la configuration, voilà ce qu'il se passe ligne 65 et 66 if (!_gifts.ContainsKey(spriteID)) _gifts.Add(spriteID, new ItemData(id, spriteID, itemName, PublicName, type, width, length, height, allowStack, allowWalk, allowSit, allowRecycle, allowTrade, allowMarketplace, allowGift, allowInventoryStack, interactionType, behaviourData, cycleCount, vendingIDS, heightAdjustable, EffectId, WiredId, IsRare, ClothingId, ExtraRot));
  5. thiago a apporté des corrections à l'émulateur j'attends d'avoir un cms et redire quoi
  6. Bonjour, comme vous pouvez le voir dans le titre, je recherche un CMS compatible au BIOS emu, un cms assez récent, après pas mal de recherche, rien ne me convient '-' merci de m'apporter des sources
  7. Kas

    format d'une date

    Bonsoir, ce que je demande semble simple, je sais il y a des tonnes de réponses pour les format mais mon problème est différent, lors de la création d'un article il y a pour la date le format europe (j/my h:m:s), exemple pour un article il y a donc dans ma base de donnée l'article de l'id 1 la date qui est le 27/01/2019 20h57. Je voudrais à partir d'un codage php récupérer que l'heure donc un format du style 'h:m' également je voudrais afficher en php dans un contenant div traduisant > afficher tous les articles édités aujourd'hui
  8. Kas


    Salut honnêtement je viens de lire et c’est du chinois, je n’ai jamais compris le Java, je prendrai du temps à lire demain merci pour le lien en attendant d’autres réponses
  9. Bonsoir, besoin d'aide, impossible de trouver je ne m'y connais pas en java donc voilà ce que j'ai comme code (on s'en fou du texte qui est mal cadré), ce que je veux c'est le <ul class="arret"> soit remplacé après 10 secondes en <ul class="marche"> 1 seconde après je voudrais remettre <ul class="arret"> puis 10 secondes après <ul class="marche"> puis 1 seconde après <ul class="arret"> etc.. en continu démo ici de mon code:
  10. Kas


    Merci pour ta réponse qui m'oriente, cependant entre temps j'ai trouvé un code css animation voici le code : html <div id="news1"> <div id="texti"> <table width="50%" align="center"> <tr> <td> <div class="slide"> <ul> <li> <a style="font-size: 25px;line-height: 25px;color:white;justify-content: center;align-items: center;padding: 0px 170px;display: flex;margin-top: 5px;width: 1728px;">1 inshare c'est super, on ne s'ennuie pas, on se réjouit de voir le nouveau membre chaque mois le nouveau membre, l'équipe admin est cool je trouve (suce boules) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</a> </li> <li> <a style="font-size: 25px;line-height: 25px;color:white;justify-content: center;align-items: center;padding: 0px 170px;display: flex;margin-top: 5px;width: 1728px;margin-left: 50%;">2 inshare c'est super, on ne s'ennuie pas, on se réjouit de voir le nouveau membre chaque mois le nouveau membre, l'équipe admin est cool je trouve (suce boules) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</a> </li> <li> <a style="font-size: 25px;line-height: 25px;color:white;justify-content: center;align-items: center;padding: 0px 170px;display: flex;margin-top: 5px;width: 1728px;margin-left: 100ù;">3 inshare c'est super, on ne s'ennuie pas, on se réjouit de voir le nouveau membre chaque mois le nouveau membre, l'équipe admin est cool je trouve (suce boules) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</a> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> css #news1 { position: fixed; z-index: 999999; width: 100%; height: 60px; bottom: 15px; left: 0; background: #a1130be6; font-size: 120%; } .slide { width:100%; height:60px; margin: auto; overflow: hidden; margin-top: -23px; } .slide ul { display: flex; padding: 0; width: 300%; animation: cambio 15s infinite alternate linear; animation-timing-function: ease-in; } .slide li { width:100%; list-style: none; } .slide img { width:100%; } @keyframes cambio{ 0% { margin-left: 0;} 20% { margin-left: 0;} 25% { margin-left: -100%;} 45% { margin-left: -100%;} 50% { margin-left: -200%;} 70% { margin-left: -200%;} 75% { margin-left: -300%;} 100% { margin-left: -300%;} } la question que je me pose c'est comment faire pour que le texte reste 20s sur le texte 1 puis passe au 2 20sec puis passe au 3 20 sec puis au 1 faisant toujours le même slide de gauche il se casse à droite
  11. Kas


    <div id="news1"> <div id="texti"> <table width="50%" align="center"> <tr> <td> <div class="slide"> <ul> <li> <a style="font-size: 25px;line-height: 25px;color:white;justify-content: center;align-items: center;padding: 0px 170px;display: flex;margin-top: 5px;width: 1728px;">1 inshare c'est super, on ne s'ennuie pas, on se réjouit de voir le nouveau membre chaque mois le nouveau membre, l'équipe admin est cool je trouve (suce boules) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</a> </li> <li> <a style="font-size: 25px;line-height: 25px;color:white;justify-content: center;align-items: center;padding: 0px 170px;display: flex;margin-top: 5px;width: 1728px;margin-left: 50%;">2 inshare c'est super, on ne s'ennuie pas, on se réjouit de voir le nouveau membre chaque mois le nouveau membre, l'équipe admin est cool je trouve (suce boules) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</a> </li> <li> <a style="font-size: 25px;line-height: 25px;color:white;justify-content: center;align-items: center;padding: 0px 170px;display: flex;margin-top: 5px;width: 1728px;margin-left: 100ù;">3 inshare c'est super, on ne s'ennuie pas, on se réjouit de voir le nouveau membre chaque mois le nouveau membre, l'équipe admin est cool je trouve (suce boules) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</a> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div>
  12. Kas


    Bonsoir, je n'ai aucune base en js et, je voudrais reproduire un slider comme sur la chaine BFMTV (le texte tout en bas NEWS 24/7) que l'on voit dans leurs émissions, qui pourrait m'aider, merci TEXTE 1 -> TEXTE 2 -> TEXTE 3 -> TEXTE 4
  13. Kas

    value php

    Bonjour, dans un formulaire de contact qui sera donc envoyé par mail, impossible de recueillir l'objet voici le code <div class="champ"> <p>Objet</p> <span>Donnez un objet à votre courriel.</span> <select required/> <option>Dérouler et sélectionner un objet</option> <option name="objet" value="Problème de prise de commande">Problème de prise de commande</option> <option name="objet" value="Annulation d'une livraison">Annulation d'une livraison</option> <option name="objet" value="Autre">Autres</option> </select><br><br> </div> et voici maintenant pour l'envoi du mail $header="MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $header.='From:"La TruffAmienois"<[email protected]>'."\n"; $header.='Content-Type:text/html; charset="uft-8"'."\n"; $header.='Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit'; $objet=''.$_GET['objet'].''; $message='Le message a envoyer'; mail("[email protected]", $objet, $message, $header);
  14. Kas

    php IF

    Bonjour, je vous explique mon soucis en une image Je voudrais faire : Si je coche la case 'oui' alors Il est obligatoire d'entrer un nom et un prénom et si je coche la case Non, le remplissage des deux champs sont alors facultatif voici mon code <div class="champ"> <p>Désirez-vous l'offrir à quelqu'un ?</p> <span>L'offrir à un proche pour les fêtes ?</span> </div> <input type="radio" name="offrir" value="Oui" class="radio" <?php if (isset($_POST['offrir']) && $_POST['offrir'] == 'Oui'): ?>checked='checked'<?php endif; ?> required/> Oui <input type="radio" name="offrir" value="Non" class="radio" <?php if (isset($_POST['offrir']) && $_POST['offrir'] == 'Non'): ?>checked='checked'<?php endif; ?> required/> Non <br /><br /> <?php if ($_POST['offrir']) { ?> <div class="champ"> <p>A qui désirez-vous l'offrir ? <font style="color:red;">(facultatif)</font></p> <span>Identifiez la personne à qui vous souhaitez l'offrir.</span> <a style="top: -4px;z-index:10;left: 10px;">?</a> <input type="text" name="nomo" placeholder="Nom de famille" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['nomo'])) { echo $_POST['nomo']; } ?>" style="width: 45%;left:-24px;" required/> <a style="top: -4px;z-index:10;left: 9px;">?</a> <input type="text" name="prenomo" placeholder="Prénom" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['prenomo'])) { echo $_POST['prenomo']; } ?>" style="width: 45%;left: -24px;" required/> </div><?php } else { ?> <div class="champ"> <p>A qui désirez-vous l'offrir ? <font style="color:red;">(facultatif)</font></p> <span>Identifiez la personne à qui vous souhaitez l'offrir.</span> <a style="top: -4px;z-index:10;left: 10px;">?</a> <input type="text" name="nomo" placeholder="Nom de famille" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['nomo'])) { echo $_POST['nomo']; } ?>" style="width: 45%;left:-24px;" required/> <a style="top: -4px;z-index:10;left: 9px;">?</a> <input type="text" name="prenomo" placeholder="Prénom" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['prenomo'])) { echo $_POST['prenomo']; } ?>" style="width: 45%;left: -24px;" required/> </div> <?php } ?>
  15. Kas

    Question JS

    Je le sais bien mais faut il absolument un JS ou mettre dans des balises script ?
  16. Kas

    Question JS

    Bonjour, Problème rencontré: Je n'arrive pas a trouver comment mettre une alerte en JS lorsqu'on arrive sur une page, du style Chargement en cours... et après 5 sec cà disparait.. Ressources utilisées: SweetAlert 2 Package Cordialement,
  17. Hey ! comme le titre décrit mon problème... j'ai un ftp (je ne suis pas en local), pour l'envoi de mail j'ai besoin de sendmail... mais ou faut-il mettre ce fichier ? ainsi que le dossier php pour modifier le php.ini par la suite..
  18. Quel est le CMS qui appartient a la db dans ce pack ?
  19. Kas

    SWF , nom des zones.

    Regarde dans le client.php dans l'hôtel ou tu te trouves et essayes de trouver les configurations swf tu auras peut être la production
  20. Salut la communauté Hdev Voilà, j'ai un soucis avec mon client, j'ai la PRODUCTION-201607262204-86871104 et j'ai comet emulateur. Lorsque je lance le client, sa affiche bien tout, puis en une fraction de seconde sa revient dans la barre de téléchargement puis redirection vers flash_client_error.php! Je créais ce sujet puisqu'après quelques recherches similaires, je ne parviens pas à résoudre le problème. Je compte en votre expérience pour pouvoir éclaircir ce problème. A savoir: J'ai remplacé le Habbo1.swf de comet dans la PROD.
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