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  1. il y a 8 minutes, Rokugo a dit :



    I think this comes from the fact that your firewall is active or inactive, or possibly a concern for configuring the clock of your VPS server. Can you tell me if you have replaced the comma with a dot in the "Time, Clock and Region" part of your VPS? Excuse me from my English "beginner", I help me through google translation

    Thanks for the reply, I'm also helping with Google Translate because I'm Italian ahah.

    Firewalls are disabled and instead of the dot I inserted the comma as a decimal separator but nothing

  2. Bonjour,




    J'utilise le pack UFO Server avec les ovnis SWF.
    Seul le client se bloque à un pourcentage et la barre blanche ne vérifie pas
    J'ai configuré les bons fichiers, SWF et external également



    I'm using the UFO Server pack with SWF UFOs.
    Only the client hangs at a percentage and the white bar does not check
    I have configured the right files, configured SWF and external as well







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