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Probléme configuration QuasarCMS


Messages recommandés

Hum, salut les gens j'ai un probléme sur 

Pour avoir accès à ce lien, merci de vous connecter.


Je l'ai bien configuré comme il faut ! Je suis en localhost.

Mais il m'affiche "Query Failed" (pas la peine d'envoyer de screen il y'a que sa sur la page)

Voila mes fichiers de configuration :


    namespace Core;

    use Helpers\Session;

    class Config
        public function __construct()
            //turn on output buffering

            //optionally create a constant for the name of the site
            define('SITETITLE', 'HSun :: A wave of excitement');

            //database details ONLY NEEDED IF USING A DATABASE
            define('DB_TYPE', 'mysql');
            define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
            define('DB_NAME', 'habboworld');
            define('DB_USER', 'root');
            define('DB_PASS', '');
            define('PREFIX', '');

            //base path
            define('DIR', '');

            //set default controller and method for legacy calls
            define('DEFAULT_CONTROLLER', 'welcome');
            define('DEFAULT_METHOD', 'index');

            //set the default template
            define('TEMPLATE', 'default');

            //set a default language
            define('LANGUAGE_CODE', 'en');

            //set prefix for sessions
            define('SESSION_PREFIX', 'qsr_');

            //optionall set a site email address
            //define('SITEEMAIL', '');

            //turn on custom error handling

            //set timezone

            //start sessions




    /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\
     *    ___                              ____ __  __ ____    *
     *   / _ \ _   _  __ _ ___  __ _ _ __ / ___|  \/  / ___|   *
     *  | | | | | | |/ _` / __|/ _` | '__| |   | |\/| \___ \   *
     *  | |_| | |_| | (_| \__ \ (_| | |  | |___| |  | |___) |  *
     *   \__\_\\__,_|\__,_|___/\__,_|_|   \____|_|  |_|____/   *
     *                                                         *
     *     © All Rights Reserved - Quasar Made by Explorer     *
     *                                                         *
    \* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

    namespace Core;

    use Models\User;
    use Models\System;
    use Helpers\Session;

    $User = new User;
    $System = new System;

     * Make this your personal hotel information
    $conf = array(
        "hotelName" => "Habwave Hotel",
        "hotelShort" => "Habwave",
        "hotelSlogan" => "A wave of excitement!",
        "hotelBase" => "http://localhost/", // HAS TO END WITH A SLASH '/' !!!!
        "hotelIp" => "",

        "gameMus" => "30001",
        "gamePort" => "30000",
        "gameBase" => "",
        "gameVars"  => '',
        "gameTexts" => '',
        "gameSwf" => '',

        "startLook" => "",
        "startCredits" => 50000,
        "startPixels" => 5000,
        "startMotto" => "Hello, ik ben nieuw op Habwave",
        "startSalt" => "&@#_Xakd_Hab",

        "avatarLimit" => 5


     * Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!
    $params = array(
        "gameMus"   => $conf['gameMus'],
        "gamePort"  => $conf['gamePort'],
        "gameBase"  => base64_encode($conf['gameBase']),
        "gameVars"  => base64_encode($conf['gameVars']),
        "gameTexts" => base64_encode($conf['gameTexts']),
        "gameSwf"   => base64_encode($conf['gameSwf']),
        "hotelName"    => $conf['hotelName'],
        "hotelShort"   => $conf['hotelShort'],
        "hotelSlogan"  => $conf['hotelSlogan'],
        "hotelBase"    => $conf['hotelBase'],
        "hotelIp"      => $conf['hotelIp'],
        "startLook"    => $conf['startLook'],
        "startCredits" => $conf['startCredits'],
        "startPixels"  => $conf['startPixels'],
        "startMotto"   => $conf['startMotto'],
        "startSalt"    => $conf['startSalt'],
        "online"       => $System->server("users_online"),
        "avatarLimit"  => $conf['avatarLimit'],
        "habboImaging" => "",
        "staffAlert"   => $System->getAlert()

        $mail = explode('_qsrSub', $User->get("mail"));
        $params["isLoggedIn"] = $User->isLoggedIn();
        $params["lastOnline"] = date("d-M-Y H:i:s", $User->get("last_online"));

        $params["userId"]          = $User->get("id");
        $params["userLook"]        = $User->get("look");
        $params["userMotto"]       = $User->get("motto");
        $params["userName"]        = Session::get("username");
        $params["userEmail"]       = $mail[0];
        $params["userRank"]        = $User->get("rank");
        $params["userCredits"]     = $User->get("credits");
        $params["userPixels"]      = $User->get("activity_points");
        $params["userDiamonds"]    = $User->get("vip_points");
        $params["userIsVip"]       = ($User->get("rank") >= 2) ? "Je bent VIP" : "Je bent geen VIP";
		$params["userClientRadio"] = $User->get("client_radio");
		$params["radioAutoplay"]   = $User->get("radio_autoplay");
	$params['noCache'] = rand(10000, 99999);

Si vous avez besoin d'autres renseignements im here :')

Merci :D 

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "alltta 20syl & mr j medeiros under"

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