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Configure client nitro


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Hey, brothers!

I need help to configure nitro client in my test serv.

I'm using cosmic cms, i made installation of angular, etc, but when try access link with sso, the navigator returns this errors in prints.

You can help-me?

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Il y a 7 heures, Sunsey a dit :

Hey, brothers!

I need help to configure nitro client in my test serv.

I'm using cosmic cms, i made installation of angular, etc, but when try access link with sso, the navigator returns this errors in prints.

You can help-me?

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you have CORS problems, which you should change many things in your webserver. I recommend you to install a chrome extension called Allow Cors Policy.

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Essaye de faire ng build puis tu mets tout le contenu du dossier DIST dans ta racine comme ça tu n'auras pas de problème de cors, là tu as fait ng serve et donc par conséquent tu utilises le localhost:8080 en utilisant les fichiers du localhost:80 ou du localhost tout court en gros, ou alors tu les héberges sur un site directement tout en testant ça sur localhost, voilà le problème est clos vous pouvez fermer le topic lol

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Try to do ng build then you put all the contents of the DIST folder in your root so you won't have a corns problem, there you made ng serve and therefore you use the localhost: 8080 using the files from the localhost: 80 or just localhost roughly, or you host them on a site directly while testing it on localhost, here the problem is closed you can close the topic 



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